Thursday, February 01, 2007

a thought....

I have started a bible study group with four other ladies from the office. Working our way through the book of Hebrews over fourteen weeks, we are looking at the sovereignty of God and authority of Jesus. All of us began the study because we had craved some solid contact with the Word, some meaningful interaction with God and like-minded others. We are up to week three and have so far found it engaging and challenging. One of the questions we were asked this week: 'Isn't it arrogant to go around telling people that Jesus is the only way?' Is it arrogance? As one of the ladies in the study group commented, if your neighbour's house was on fire, you would rush in to tell them, even if it was the middle of the night. Sure, disturbing them might make them initially upset with you, but their feelings will change as their awareness of their situation grows, and risking unpopularity must be preferable to the alternative of leaving them to their destruction. Yet even though I don't find sharing my faith difficult, I don't do it nearly as much as I should. Or even as much as I could. My entire family are non-Christians, and I don't witness to them as if their house was burning down around them, yet they are my favourite people - surely my urgency to see them saved would be greatest of all? So why this reticence? I have no answer to these questions, but that doesn't trouble me. I know that as I continually look to my Father for their salvation, and to His word for support, His purpose will ultimately win the day. So I end this little ramble with advice from the writer to the Hebrews from our study last week, as my exhortation to you - 'Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.'


Blogger Shirley Șerban said...

Hey Meg! Found your blog totally randomly. Small world. Just been with Susan U today - she's finished up a video of us and we love it. Greetings to the OM warren @ Carlisle.

5:21 am  

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